Hey there, Beauty’s! Who here has brittle hair and nails? Have you tried tons of topical products to repair your hair, but they never really helped? Don’t worry, I’ve done the same thing over and over, too, and also got terrible results. I’ve had damaged hair for as long as I can remember. I finally got tired of trying and failing at fixing the issue from the outside, so I found a more effective way to fix it from the inside! That’s when I found Silver Fern Brand and their Hair Complex Supplement! I’ve had so much success with it! Learn more about this product down below!

Silver Fern Brand – Hair Complex
[ 30 day supply / $29.99 ]

Get 20% off with code – SFXRACH3

✔️ What it is! –

If you are struggling at all with your hair, let Silver Fern Brand help replenish the health of one of your most precious assets. Hair Complex provides the best ingredients, including keratin, to support long, voluminous, healthy hair.

~My Personal Experience!~

I am so blown away by the results I’ve gotten from this supplement! I’ve taken other hair, skin & nail supplements before, but they never really worked. This one gave me a noticeable glow-up in my skin and hair! My skin seems to be brighter. My hair is growing much faster and thicker. The natural bounce and shine looks and feels amazing. My fingernails have even started growing faster and thicker. My nails usually break easily, but not anymore! I don’t know if Silver Fern Brand intended for this supplement to do all of this, but either way, it does for me. I’m so grateful! Check out my list of benefits for this product down below!

• Easy to swallow.
• Doesn’t upset my stomach.
• Strengthens your hair follicles.
• My hair grows 2× faster.
• Strengthens my nails.
• Helps promote circulation in the scalp.
• Much more manageable hair.
• Silky-smooth hair.
• Gives my hair tons of volume.
• My hair doesn’t break or fall out all the time.
• Helps scalp keep hydrated.
• Reduces scalp itchiness.
• Brightened up my complexion.

📚 Fun Fact – The average human hair grows 0.2-0.5 inches a month! (Mine grew 2 inches while taking Hair Complex!)


📇 Key Ingredients –

👉 Keratin.
👉 Sea Buckthorn.
👉 Silica.
👉 Bamboo Extract.
👉 Vegetarian Capsules.


✅️ My Conclusion! –

I am beyond impressed with this hair supplement! With one tiny capsule a day, I’ve gotten a total beauty glow-up. My hair is healthier than it’s ever been. My nails are rock-hard and growing fast, AND my skin looks brighter, too. As always, I’ll add a couple of things. I’m not guaranteeing that everyone will get the same results as I have. We are all different in many different ways, so what works for me might not work for you. I know from all of my friends that take this supplement too, they get very similar or even better results than me so you’ll just have to try it for yourself! I definitely recommend it!

~ Written by Rachael Tam.
~ Photographs by Rachael Tam.
~ Products by Silver Fern Brand.
~ For PR Inquiries – researching4beauty@gmail.com

~ Get my full list of updated brand discount codes at – https://barefoothippieartistry.link/

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